Noise Insulation Program

Noise Insulation Program


Welcome to Almaty International Airport's Noise Insulation Program page!
The Noise Insulation Program (NIP) is an integral part of ALA’s comprehensive Operational Noise Management Plan, which has been developed by ALA. The NIP has been developed to mitigate aircraft noise on buildings and a reduction in noise exposure for the eligible surrounding communities. The program will address residential buildings located in the areas with night-time (22:00-07:00) environmental noise levels exceeding 60 dBA (measured in line with relevant international standard) and aims to achieve a target noise level of 40dBA indoors, and a minimum 5 dBA reduction in interior areas during night hours.
ALA’s program is grounded in technical environmental noise studies and designed to comply with the ICAO Balance Approach, as one of the integral noise management tools and international standards and Good International Industry Practice (GIIP) and follows the practice applied at other noise insulation programs around the world.

Eligibility Criteria
For the Noise Insulation Program eligible houses will be identified based on technical and legal criteria. Please see noise levels map section below for further information on the areas covered by the program. Some properties may not qualify for insulation due to specific conditions.  Houses that were constructed before March 31st 2022 will be eligible for the Program. The dates will be established based on the Technical Passport for the house, proof of residence and other documents that confirm that the house was constructed before the said date.

Noise Exposure Map
Received applications will be checked in accordance with provided map.

Housing Eligibility and Technical Documentation
Eligible houses must have full legal status, meaning they possess land acts, technical passports for the house, and certificates of registered rights (encumbrances) on real estate. The Technical Passport is a document issued by the National State-Run Budgetary Company for Real Estate Cadastre (NSSC RK) and contains key information about the house, including its location, size, construction materials, and other technical details. Technical documentation will also be required for any housing extensions or additional structures present on the property, including mansard roofs and second floors. Eligibility of houses that are within high noise impact areas, but do not possess all required information, will be determined by ALA.

Prioritization of Sound Insulation
To ensure a fair and effective program, ALA has adopted a systematic approach for prioritization of houses to be insulated. This involves considering various factors, such as noise impact, high-impact areas, vulnerable groups, existing insulation, adherence to legal and technical criteria, and budget considerations, being based on community consultations.

Noise Insulation Process

The noise insulation process will follow a systematic approach to ensure Program effectiveness. The process involves evaluation of the noise and applicant’s data, selection of the noise insulation materials, and implementation. Community engagement will be maintained throughout the process. As part of this program, prioritization will be given to households meeting specific criteria (please see below for further information on prioritization). The below steps outline the process:  
  1. Community Outreach: WhatsApp number and email address on the airport website, contact MAA through local akimats to answer residents' questions or complaints related to the program and provide any necessary clarifications. MAA accepts applications for participation in the program and, based on prioritization and satisfaction of the criteria, will notify applicants of their eligibility within three weeks. The application form is available on ALA’s website: (
  2. Thorough Survey and Evaluation: Noise insulation engineers, together with Ecology Expert LLP (locally appointed noise consultants), will conduct a comprehensive survey to characterize noise in residential areas affected by airport activities. A plan will be developed based on technical findings, including specific soundproofing measures, cost estimates, and timelines per residential building.
  3. Selection of Materials: Depending on the assessment, materials such as mineral wool boards, aerated concrete, or acoustic membranes for flooring may be applied for sound insulation. Cost of insulation will be determined for each house specifically based on the materials needed to achieve established goals, however the average cost of insulation will be subject to budget approved by ALA.
  4. Implementation of Measures: Soundproofing measures will be implemented, which may involve façade upgrades and/or window upgrades.   Depending on location and house type, insulation measures may differ from house to house. 
  5. Post-Construction Testing: A percentage of completed noise insulation works will undergo post-construction acoustical testing to validate the achieved noise reduction levels.
Community Involvement and Communication
ALA highly values community involvement and will engage residents throughout the process. Residents will be informed through official channels, such as and local Akimat websites and program WhatsApp chat. Local authorities will play a significant role in notifying residents.

Application Process
Residents who believe that noise is problematic for their houses must submit a complete and accurate application form, along with supporting documents (e.g. technical passport). The program will be implemented in phases. Phase I will be spanning until the end of 2025 and phase II will begin in 2026 and will last until 2040. The Application will begin in September 2023 and the implementation of the insulations will start in April 2024 for pilot houses. Phase 1 applications will be evaluated, and selected residents will be contacted for further assessment and evaluation by November 2023.  

Transparency and Feedback
We are committed to maintaining transparency and accountability throughout the Program. Feedback from residents will be carefully considered, and any issues will be addressed promptly to ensure the success of the Noise Insulation Program.

Frequently Asked Questions

Contact Information
For questions regarding the Noise Insulation Program, you can contact us by phone + 7 708 115 0514 or by email to
Sincerely, Almaty International Airport